Agriculture without fertilization – Is that even possible?
Traditional craftmanship with present day house construction – Can a house endure that?
Where can you and your family experience culture, knowledge and adventure in the middle of nature?
The answers to these questions can be found with us:
at the Freilandmuseum Oberpfalz
Here in our museum the houses are exhibits. Each building tells its own and its former inhabitants’ story through its way of construction and furnishing.
Tour through four characteristic village landscapes of the Oberpfalz.
Open the door to about 50 reconstructed buildings.
Experience special guided tours and classes.
Enjoy regional meals and products.
Man, culture and nature: We are your partner in rediscovering the past of the Oberpfalz for the present.
There are QR codes on our signs that provide access to information on our buildings in English. You need a QR scanner on your mobile device and an internet connection to access the web pages.